Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Product

what is that 'stuff' you are taking?

Well - its a new and advanced protein powder that will help shed weight and keep it off. Its nothing like all the other weight loss powder blends you've tried - guarenteed.

It uses a specially formulated whey protein derivative that actually includes peptides. Peptides are amino acids that help your body maintain it's lean muscle while losing fat.

This is exactly what you want to do to get that toned, lean look. Sometimes muscle is lost during a weight loss program - that's not attractive and it's not healthy. You want to keep all of the muscle and lose the fat. That's what it does. It's not about how many kgs or pounds you lose - it's about how much fat you lose and how much lean muscle you keep.

This product utilizes an exclusive patented process in which specific parts of whey protein, peptides are separated out and then concentrated into a formula that is geared towards fat loss. The peptide formula is combined with minerals from the whey and together, they make this specific powder.

You mix the powder with a drink - juice, milk, coffee, meal replacement drinks or water, or food twice a day. If you drink it, you should use it 20 minutes before your morning and evening meals. If you prefer, you can sprinkle the powder directly onto your food. I think I will let the people who are using it to comment on its taste - suffice to say - we all have our own ways of taking it!

Probably the most outstanding thing about this product is that it truly targets fat and leaves the lean muscle intact. This is because the peptides, which are separated from the whey, are free to work in the way they work best, and they are also concentrated in a high level for optimal efficiency.

As you lose the fat, but keep the muscle, your metabolism will increase. This is an obvious benefit because as your metabolism increases, your body will burn fat and calories more efficiently and quickly.

This product is instrumental in telling your brain that your body is satisfied with less food. When you take it before your meal, or even with it, you will have a feeling of being full faster - leading you to eat less. So, besides attacking fat, it's also helping to curb your appetite.

Over a short amount of time, you'll notice that you're shedding fat and your clothes are getting loose - a sure sign that this product is working. With moderate exercise, you will be ensuring better health, and delivering another blow to fat while building muscle. The result is going to be a leaner healthier body that is more resistant to many types of disease including heart disease, diabetes and some cancers, and looks great.

So the bottom line is - this is not a replacement meal - its something you take just before a meal - to help you not pig out - plus it raises your metabolism and burns fat. wow - how good is that?

Another unexpected, but welcome effect that this product has is that it can give you added energy, help you sleep better and generally feel better. And these effects spill over into the rest of your life. Research has shown that people who get good nights sleep are generally healthier and leaner with increased energy.

I know many of us can certianly say YES! to all of these claims - we are living proof...

go - on - ask us more about this! ( but we can't say what the product is or the company name here on this blog... sorry...)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Unlimited Vegies

I have come across a list of vegies that can be eaten in unlimited quantities and as often as required during the day. They are not restricted to the main meal. I cook up a big pot ( enough for a few days) and nibble on these when I feel hungry.

Asparagus, Avocado (1/2 per day), artichoke, green beans, bean sprouts, beetroot ( not canned), broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, capsicum, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chilli, choko, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, lettuce, leek, marrow, mushrooms, onion, snow peas, silverbeet, spinach, spring onion, squash, tomato, turnip, radish and zucchini.

Try adding some herbs, spice or curry to add to the flavour..

Jo's week

Well I thought this was going to be a week where I platued as I didin't eat many vegies and was a bit slack on drinking water. But I did my measurements this morning and was shocked that I had lost 8cm off my body!! I lost 4cm off my hips, 2cm off my waist, and 1cm off each leg. And I think it is important to know I am shedding the weight but still enjoying 'life'. If I feel like something, eg a cookie, or two, or three, LOL.I have it and just get back on track the next day. You have to enjoy life, just be sensible about it and not feel guilty if you do have something high in fat or sugar. Tommorrow is a new day.....

Low GI recipes

Hi there, if you go to the following link, there is 10 000 recipe's for low GI food. I personally like the ones with a few ingredients, having 5 kids to look after, I don't have the time for complex recipe's, but you may prefer different recipe's to me. So have a look, enjoy!!

Jo Jo

This Weeks Low G.I Recipe

Chocolate Applesauce Muffins LOW GI
You just can’t imagine how light and moist and tasty these muffins are unless you try them! Any nutritionist would agree that eating one of these as an occasional treat is 781 kJ (186 calories) well spent.
½ cup butter¾ cup white sugar1 egg, plus 1 egg white½ cup cocoa powder, unsweetened1½ cups natural applesauce1¾ cups wholemeal flour1 tspn baking powder1 tspn baking soda½ teaspoon salt
Preheat the oven to 180ÂșC. Grease and flour the muffin tin.
In a deep mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar for about 1½ minutes at medium speed until smooth. Add in the egg, egg white and cocoa powder and mix for about 1 minute until smooth, scraping the sides of the bowl frequently. Fold in the applesauce.
In a small mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture and mix by hand, about 60 or 70 strokes. Do not over mix.
Fill the muffin pan half to three-quarters full. Bake the large muffins for 22 minutes or the mini muffins for 15 minutes. Cool before removing from pan.
Makes 12 large or 48 mini muffins

Weekly Measure Ups

Well, its that time again - and hopefully everyone is excited - not dreading this time of week - unlike other fad diet programs or shaming groups.

Pretty much everyone each week we have been meeting have had a substantial 'release' of fat and has just about been jumping out of their skins to share with everyone else.

Please post your comments below with :
your name
total inches or cms shedded
how you are feeling energy wise
any other thing about your journey you may have noticed.

It important to share these last two things in particular - as when you reach your goal - you will forget about the bad stuff - how you used to feel - and find it hard to remember feeling any other way but great.
Its also important to share here as not only people within our group will be interested in your progress - you can serve to inspire other people to take this journey with you.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting that BUZZ

Last meeting we talked about the importance of getting our subconscious mind working towards achieving our goal, too. Because the subconscious can’t actually tell the difference from fact and vividly imagined fantasy, I want to suggest you do something a little ‘different’! It’s called a ‘buzz’.

In the book, “Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting”, the author Lynn Grabhorn talks about the power of POSITIVE SELF-TALK, done in a particular way – using a powerful, excited emotional state in which to do them.

Lynn talks about the fact that where we are today, and what we have in our life today, is the direct result of what we’ve said to ourselves (thought) and what we’ve said out loud in the past.
When we are thinking negative thoughts, we are vibrating negatively and bathed in negative energy. When that happens, we attract negatives into our life. The same is true in reverse, too.
When we’re thinking positive thoughts, we are vibrating positively and bathed in positive energy. And…we attract wonderful positive things into our life.
This is just as true for our weight and body size.


Lynn suggests we get ourselves into a positive state every day and she calls this positive state a “buzz”.


If you’re having a ‘down’ moment, it’s important to switch to a positive mindset quickly.

The first step is to “jump-start” yourself. And the quickest way to do that is to SMILE! Not a silly grin but a loving tender smile like your small child has just brought you their most cherished possession.

This will get your buzz started.

Once you’ve got that wonderful smile going (like an inner warm fuzzy), replace it with something stronger, like gratitude, enthusiasm, excitement. Choose the feeling that’s easiest for you to manufacture at will, and hold it for as long as you can.

Intensify that feeling as much as you can until you feel the physical shift of energy in your body.

Now, while you hold onto that positive emotion, talk out loud about what’s happening in your life, the fact that you have achieved a certain goal, what’s happening to you as a result and how wonderful you feel.

Doing this exercise every day for several minutes will bring it into your life more quickly. The more you do it, the longer you do it for, and more quickly you will speed up the manifestation of your dreams and goals into your life.

Comments anyone?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Recipes - Low G.I

The Glycemic Index was developed in the 1980s, as a new method of classifying carbohydrate foods. This proved once and for all that all sugars are not absorbed quickly into the blood, and all starches are not absorbed slowly.

GI is a ranking (from 1 to 100) which measures the effect of a food on your blood-glucose level over the two hours after the food is eaten.

Understanding the GI is really simple

  • Carbohydrate foods that break down quickly during digestion, releasing glucose quickly into the blood stream, have a high GI with a value of 70 or more.
  • Carbohydrate foods that break down slowly, releasing glucose into the blood stream gradually, have a low GI with a value of 55 or less.
  • Carbohydrate foods that break down at a moderate pace, releasing glucose into the blood stream neither slowly or quickly, have a medium GI with a value of 56 to 69 inclusive.
The simplest way to use the GI every day for every meal is to simply substitute lower GI foods for the higher GI foods that you normally eat.

How low-GI contributes to weight control
High GI foods are bad for weight control for two reasons. Firstly, the glucose spikes stimulate hunger because you are getting that dramatic drop in glucose, 90 minutes to two hours after eating. By eating low GI foods you feel fuller for longer and are, therefore, not as likely to go searching for snacks every two hours.

Secondly, insulin is a storage hormone that stockpiles nutrients for later use by the body. A high-GI diet causes a lot of insulin to be produced and when you have too much insulin in your body too much of the time, it makes it easier to store fat and harder to burn it.

I invite submissions and links in the comments for favourite recipies for low G.I foods.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weekly Measure Ups - first public one.

So each week after our meeting, we talk about how much we have reshaped our bodies. On this blog, I will post up a weekly measure up and get everyone to add thier comments at the bottom.

I don't see anything on the scales as yet - and I guess many of us haven't - but I long forwent trusting that evil machine in anycase. There is something about it - the way it beeps so nonchalontly at you and then demands you wait for a certian time before you step onto it. THEN it flicks WAAAAAY past your weight and you feel like jumping off the roof, before it slowly clicks the numbers back to a number that has got to be wrong. nahh - I don't trust the little buggers.

We been all been told not to get on the scales ( but come on - we do anyway - just to see..I won't do that again in a hurry)

Its all to do with reshaping - thats good for me! who cares if the scales say one thing - man if I looked good - then the numbers be damned. Its all about sheding inches from all over the body.

so - We will not be putting the actual measurements here - just way too embarrassing and its private in anycase ( of course if you want to share it - go ahead) - but we will record what has been shed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Introducing Annie

Hi – I’ m Annie - I am a Mum, a Writer and a Thaumaturg ( what mother isn't?) I am passionate about community and social inclusion using my skills as a communicator ( you are never an "ex" teacher) to act as a catalyst between people, ideas and quality information.

To give you a bit of back ground about me - I have taken a sabbatical from paid employment to explore creative pursuits including writing. I draw on my years as a teacher and time in the corporate field to bring life experience to my eclectic style of writing. I have written speculative science fiction, feminist literature, romance, adventure and magazine articles exploring themes in mothering, feminism, spirituality and sharing my journey as a woman and mother – If you’d like to see my work – go here for the links.

I am currently involved with a number of collaborative writing projects in both fiction and non fiction, loving the challenge of being a section editor for TypeA Mom, a weekly Columnist for Write Anything as well as conducting workshops with community and speaking at key events.

In saying all of this – you can gather I like to be busy and kept challenged.. and I have allowed my fitness and health to slide over the years of being a mum and just simply being busy. I have always had challenges with my weight and have been on some sort of diet or fad for 25 years. I stacked weight on after my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumour and underwent radiotherapy and just got worse and worse ever since.

The most ‘successful’ diet I went on was the black coffee and 2 apple diet – as much black coffee and water you can consume in a day and two apples. I lost nearly 15kgs on that – for my wedding.. and that I think was the start of the decline of my metabolism and insulin allergy.

I am nearing the big 40 birthday – in 6 months – and have made the decision I am not going to be fat and 40.

So – am willing now to do anything – to try anything to shed weight and get back on track. I have made my own accountability blog here where I record everything I eat and what I do. I'd love you to drop by sometime - give me some encouragement!



This is a public space for a group of committed women ( so far) who are serious about shedding unwanted weight and reshaping our bodies - FOR LIFE.

We have been meeting once a week for 4 weeks and today spoke a bit about being accountable to each other and about the power of keeping a diary or a journal of our journey. We decided that there were going be people who are going to want to know 'how you did it." and sometimes its hard to remember if you felt challenged - or what those challenges were when you are past them.

I have used a group site as an accountability measure for me for a number of other things - and have found you are more likely to keep going if you have others who are relying on you to do so.... especially if its so public - like the internet.....

This will be a central spot to put the recipes, hints and tips, and every week - for each of us write a little round up of our week - only a few sentences is necessary - no measurements are necessary - but an over all - eg..."I shed 1 inch this week - etc.. keeping everyone inspired and enthusiastic.

For the brave - you can post a before photo up if you want.

You can also note down what you eat - something that one member said struck a cord with me - people are going to want to know that this is NOT a fad diet - that you can live a normal life, eat normally etc - so by you noting this down - it will show others that they too can do this.

The only thing I will say is that we DO NOT mention the company name of the proudcts we are using nor the products names ANYWHERE. It is against company policy for anyone to do we don't want to get into trouble.

this is an exciting opportunity for you to make a difference to not only your own but others lives by leading by example.

For anyone interested in finding out more about the products we are using, I will set up a seperate email address for individual enquiries and will NOT discuss anything publically in comments or on this blogspot.

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