Thursday, May 28, 2009

Measure Ups

So - its that time of week again!

Tape measureImage via Wikipedia

please share with all our readers and fans your week. You don't need to give actual measurements - but perhaps an amount you have shed from a specific area - or an overall amount since you started.

Please comment below and when you do

state your name
how long you have been doing this program
the amount you have shed THIS week
the amount you have shed overall.

Plus any hints or tips or insights on how your week has been.. have you been naughty? have you hit the gym hard or just felt flat - or bouncy??

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Part three update and including activity into your program

Lauras Part three where she talks about including activity during the program

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Doctor of Complimentary Medicine part two

Here is part two of Dr Steves talk

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Measure Ups

So - its that time of week again!

Tape measureImage via Wikipedia

please share with all our readers and fans your week. You don't need to give actual measurements - but perhaps an amount you have shed from a specific area - or an overall amount since you started.

Please comment below and when you do

state your name
how long you have been doing this program
the amount you have shed THIS week
the amount you have shed overall.

Plus any hints or tips or insights on how your week has been.. have you been naughty? have you hit the gym hard or just felt flat - or bouncy??

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Part two video on sheeding weight

Here is Part Two from Laura.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Doctor of Complimentary Medicine speaks on Osolean

Dr Steve Nugent speaks about Osolean here about how it will change your health and those of people around you.

This is only part one - you can see part two on you tube - or wait till next week when I post part two up.

OsoLean™ powder has been shown in a clinical study to help target fat loss and spare lean muscle when combined with the OsoLean™ Plan and proper exercise. Its all natural and mixes with the foods.

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Technology in Weight Loss with Real Solutions

James Hannan is a no nonsense sort of bloke - who tells us like it is. He lives in the Gold Coast in Queensland and I have had the privilege to both meet and listen to him speak on a number of occasions. Check out his you tube vid which explains how and why this product works.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Turn off the Fat Switch

Turn the Fat Switch Off and Win the Battle of the Bulge

Forget the weight ... throw away the scales and get out the tape measure... it's about losing those centimetres... not just the weight!

This could just be the weight management discovery that tips the scales in your favour.

It's about dropping a dress size, tightening your belt another notch or fitting in to those jeans you bought at the sale last year.

As we age, our bodies tend to hold on to excess fat - especially around the waist and hips. This is because the natural aging process slows down the resting metabolic rate. For healthy weight management we need to support normal metabolism.

At any one time 42% of Australian women and 17% of Australian men are on a diet.

Most of them are destined to fail in their efforts to create that slimmer, trimmer figure. Health experts estimate that as few as 2% of dieters manage to maintain lasting weight loss results.

Part of the problem is that losing body weight usually means sacrificing important lean muscle mass which is required to maintain normal metabolism, which in turn allows you to burn more kilojoules.

Help is now at hand.

Scientists at Mannatech have discovered that the missing link in the weight management puzzle may well be found in a familiar substance that we have know about since childhood .... namely the whey found in Little Miss Muffet's dinner bowl. The secret lies in specific parts of whey protein, called peptides.

Using a patented technology, the peptides from the whey protein are concentrated to ensure an optimal level. They are then combined with calcium-rich minerals from whey to form an innovative, natural product known as OsoLean™ powder.

Why is OsoLean™ powder so different?

It's a world first in fat loss technology.

The Osolean™ exclusive all-natural whey protein blend has shown in clinical trials to target fat loss without reducing muscle.

OsoLean™ will improve your lean mass to fat ratio so that you will see the centimetres disappearing from your waistline, from your hips and from your thighs in no time at all.

  • Converts protein into lean muscle mass
  • Increases metabolism to burn fat
  • Naturally suppresses your appetite so you eat less
  • Regulates hormones to lose stored fat

OsoLean™ is the perfect addition to your 'weight control' plan. It's all natural and mixes with the foods and beverages that you already enjoy.

Keep eating low glycaemic foods, eat a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, drink at least 8 glasses of purified water daily and remember to keep up some physical activity and you'll see the fat falling away.

With its advanced and patented protein peptide technology OsoLean™ is the perfect all natural supplement to support your weight control program. It is not a quick-fix for the fat epidemic, but rather one part of a healthy weight-management program.

The results are in!

Here's what is being said by those who have already tried the product:

"At last a product that really works! After 10 days using the OsoLean™ Plan, my thighs had noticeably reduced and after 3 months my overall body measurements have dropped considerably! I am not hungry, have increased energy ..."

"I have achieved great results without changing anything in my daily routine...."

"After 3 months I am thrilled to have lost a total of 9cm around my waist and dropped a dress size...."

180 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try OsoLean™ for 180 Days. If after following the OsoLean™ Plan for up to 180 days you are not satisfied with results, receive 100% of your money back!

To sum up:

OsoLean™ Powder:

  • Advanced protein peptide technology
  • All-natural with no synthetic additives
  • No sweeteners
  • Improves the lean mass to fat ratio
  • Provides essential minerals and nutrients
  • Calcium - 56% daily value
  • Protein - 40% daily value
  • Contains magnesium and phosphorus
  • Easy to use - simply mix twice daily in your favourite beverage

Contact us now and we can send you links to the science behind this program.

You'll also be able to access part of an educational program for those who are serious about losing that weight.

Absolutely nothing to lose but your fat.

  • It's Healthy
  • It's Safe
  • It's Natural
  • It Burns Fat
  • No Nasty Side Effects
  • It's Guaranteed
  • It's the Shape of Things to Come

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Osolean Testimonials

Here are some testimonials from normal women in Australia.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Measure Ups

So - its that time of week again!

Tape measureImage via Wikipedia

please share with all our readers and fans your week. You don't need to give actual measurements - but perhaps an amount you have shed from a specific area - or an overall amount since you started.

Please comment below and when you do

state your name
how long you have been doing this program
the amount you have shed THIS week
the amount you have shed overall.

Plus any hints or tips or insights on how your week has been.. have you been naughty? have you hit the gym hard or just felt flat - or bouncy??

Monday, May 11, 2009

Shedding weight - on line

If you search for Osolean on Youtube - there are a number of videos which map the journey of other people - just like you and I who are on this product. Here is the first video from a lass who has great results - and she is just so 'normal' - which for most of us - makes it so much easier to connect with

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The New You

So it would seem that we CAN say what the product that we are using is.... so here goes...

This product and program has been developed using ground breaking technology along with a simple to follow eating and fitness plan that will see those centimetres disappearing from your waist, hips, chest and thighs –

This lean program does what most diets cannot – it improves the lean muscle to fat ratio.

A Program that Works!

Simply choose a low GI eating plan and regular activity, and
Enhance the results from your efforts with the benefits of our new technology.

Experience the Benefits of:

• Losing 3 times more fat than lean muscle
• Increasing your lean muscle
• Absorbing more calcium
• Decreasing your appetite

Meaningful Fat Loss:
Fat loss that’s healthy for your body & sustainable...

It's all about tossing your scales and trusting your tape measure!

  • Losing fat and improving lean muscle will change size in cm more than weight in kg.
  • This is about dropping dress sizes, tightening your belt another notch or getting into that pair of jeans again.
  • Understand your body's physiology, and work with it to keep slim, trim and in shape.

    It's like having a 'healthy' secret weapon to Turn the Fat Switch Off!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Measure ups

So - its that time of week again!

Tape measureImage via Wikipedia

please share with all our readers and fans your week. You don't need to give actual measurements - but perhaps an amount you have shed from a specific area - or an overall amount since you started.

Please comment below and when you do

state your name
how long you have been doing this program
the amount you have shed THIS week
the amount you have shed overall.

Plus any hints or tips or insights on how your week has been.. have you been naughty? have you hit the gym hard or just felt flat - or bouncy??