Monday, April 27, 2009

Measure ups

So - its that time of week again!

Tape measureImage via Wikipedia

please share with all our readers and fans your week. You don't need to give actual measurements - but perhaps an amount you have shed from a specific area - or an overall amount since you started.

Please comment below and when you do

state your name
how long you have been doing this program
the amount you have shed THIS week
the amount you have shed overall.

Plus any hints or tips or insights on how your week has been.. have you been naughty? have you hit the gym hard or just felt flat - or bouncy??

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My last two weeks

My last two weeks have been a struggle, I must admit. I am tempted sooo much by sweet things, I'm craving them all the time!! I have tried to get back on track, have started the Wii Fit again and we are paving the rest of the driveway. My poor fingertips (from lifting pavers, no prints left, lol)....My measurements haven't altered, so thats one good thing, at least they didn't go up!! Although I am feeling a little bloated around the stomach. Same 'ol problem, I don't drink enough water, so have bought myself a water bottle and aim to carry it wherever I go. I have started taking the product again, I feel it will stop me craving the sweets. As it was school holidays, we went to the movies twice, so of course you need munchies too nibble on, so I did treat myself to a small bag of lollies. My aim is to shed some more weight this week, so far I have shed 40cm from my body. So that is a great feeling and still have 7 months to reach my goal, so definitely achievable. Until next week...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weekly Measure Ups

So - its that time of week again!

Tape measureImage via Wikipedia

please share with all our readers and fans your week. You don't need to give actual measurements - but perhaps an amount you have shed from a specific area - or an overall amount since you started.

Please comment below and when you do

state your name
how long you have been doing this program
the amount you have shed THIS week
the amount you have shed overall.

Plus any hints or tips or insights on how your week has been.. have you been naughty? have you hit the gym hard or just felt flat - or bouncy??

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Another week down

Well I have had a better week, shed 1/2 kilo from putting it on last week. I am still feeling tired in the mornings and therefore can't drag myself out of bed to do the Wii Fit. And it also didn't help my son took the excuse though. So have new batteries and plan to get started tomorrow..Haven't eaten too many naughties...tried to drink more water and eat my vegies. I have actually decided to have a break form the product...give my body a break and then start up again in a couple of weeks. Still going to watch what I eat and exercise...see how I go??